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Fruits and vegetables only, no social media, no distractions!

Recently, in my 14 days in eating only fruits and vegetables only, no social media, no distractions; and I can remember saying...Whew, I feel good! *cue James Brown Music* It was the CLEAREST my thoughts have ever been.

Your thoughts are the most powerful thing that we have. We can literally create anything that we want.

Also, if you listen to what everyone else thinks about you. That can be created for you too.

Choose Wisely.

God didn't put you here to be limited in your thoughts, especially negative ones. Take inventory of your thought patterns. One activity I like to do to clear my thoughts is to do a brain dump.

Take 5-10 mins to write down everything that comes into thought no matter how silly it sounds. When complete, check out your list. Then separate the list in two sections; what are thoughts that you can control and you can't control?

When in negative thoughts, reject the idea and take time to think happy thoughts.

We are almost at the end of the 14 day HealThy Tips! Make sure you look at all of them and put in the comments section which one you liked the best. We would love to have you join us for the HealThy Self Challenge beginning August 1st. Reserve my spot now!

Have a divine day Warrior!

Peace, Love, and Vibes SOulDIVINE,

Lauren Danielle

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